Sweet Potato Pie Cupcakes With Maple Bacon Frosting
Growing up, I wasn’t that interested in sweet potato pie. My grandma, mom, and older cousins loved it because it reminded them of Mississippi and the women who made it for them. Sweet potato pie beats the pants off any pumpkin pie, but given a choice, I’d rather have Aunt Fannie’s chocolate meringue pie, Uncle Clarence’s German chocolate cake, or my Grandma Dorothy’s banana cake. But as it’s gotten harder to hold onto memories of my relatives, I’ve been craving those original family recipes. I found it in a delicious pour-and-bake sweet potato pie batter from Mamie & Makhi’s. The founder Lois grew up in Berkeley, but her Grandma Mamie is from Mississippi, just like my family and it tastes just like I remember. I’ve been making pies, smoothies, pop tarts, and pancakes with her batter, which led me to these Sweet Potato Pie Cupcakes With Maple Bacon Frosting. They…
January 26, 2020