How to Open a Bottle of Champagne – The Right Way!
Just last night I was having dinner with a really smart and fun foodie friend who loves, cooking, wine and cocktails. At one point the conversation turned to sparkling wine and champagne –big surprise! But I was surprised when she admitted that when it came to opening bubbly, she usually handed the bottle off to someone else. If you’ve been suffering from a secret fear of opening a bottle of bubbly, don’t despair! With the help of my TV reporter friend Kristi, I’ve recorded this video to teach anyone how to open that bottle of bubbly safely. As you’ll read in the introduction of my new book The Bubbly Bar: Champagne & Sparkling Wine Cocktails for Every Occasion the first thing to do is to make sure to chill your sparkling wine properly for 30 minutes to an hour in the refrigerator or an ice and water bath. There’s…
September 23, 2009