Drink to Your Health: Studies Show Bubbly & Red Wine Good For You
Booze of all kinds gets villfied in January, as if it’s the (fill in the name of your favorite tipple here)’s fault that we drank too much of it over the holidays and gained weight or started the new year with a horrific hangover. So in the interest of equal time, I thought I’d highlight some of the scientific studies showing that drinking in moderation is good for your health. Most people know that red wine is good for your health. But did you know that champagne and sparkling wines have health benefits too? A 2009 study conducted at the University of Reading in the UK found that polyphenols in champagne raised nitric oxide levels in the blood vessels, keeping them relaxed. This is important because increased blood flow helps prevents any blockages which can lead to strokes or other problems. A new wine health study by Cedars Sinai Medical…
January 9, 2012