Absinthe Cockails: Killing Me Softly for MxMo
Of course, we all know now that absinthe doesn’t cause blindness or madness or any of the other evils ascribed to this high-proof spirit back during the run up to Prohibition. But outside of cocktail geeks and urban bars with pretensions of authenticity, I don’t see this spirit becoming the next. big. thing. A couple years ago, on a visit to the Absinthe Museum of America in New Orleans, a fellow visitor succinctly summed up the real problem with the Green Fairy: ” I love buying different bottles of absinthe, I just don’t like drinking it.” I have to admit I feel the same way. After I got over my fascination with Good & Plenty, licorice is something I like in small doses. It was different back around the turn of the century in Europe where it became the drink of choice for creative types ranging from Oscar Wilde to…
February 23, 2010